Tattoo Removal in Chicago & Lincoln Park, IL

Tattoo Removal in Chicago & Lincoln Park IL

What seemed like a great idea a few years back may not be so hot today. If you are looking for a fresh start without a tattoo, laser tattoo removal may be your solution. Sometimes certain colors can be difficult to remove during the process. Fortunately for you, our lasers are finely tuned to remedy this problem! Whether it be for:

  • A new job
  • A relationship change
  • A new take on your image

It’s never too late to get a tattoo removal! Don’t wait to begin taking the first steps toward freshening up your image. Make an appointment with Old Town Medspa to get the results you’ve been looking for!

Chicago Tattoo Removal Before & Afters

Before and After Tattoo Removal in Chicago IL
Before and After Tattoo Removal in Lincoln Park IL
Before and After Tattoo Removal Treatment in Lincoln Park IL
Before and After Tattoo Removal Treatment in Chicago IL
Before and After Tattoo Removal Surgery in Lincoln Park IL
Before and After Tattoo Removal Surgery in Chicago IL
Before and After Tattoo Removal Therapy in Lincoln Park IL

Who is an Ideal Candidate for Tattoo Removal in Chicago?

Like you, we want you to get the best results from tattoo removal treatment! The objective we have is to maximize treatment efficacy while simultaneously managing risks. The best candidates for laser tattoo removal:

  • Are healthy. You need a strong immune system for laser tattoo removal to work really well!
  • Are not pregnant or nursing.
  • Do not have an injury or infection at the treatment site.
  • Do not have a history of abnormal scarring.
  • Have light to medium skin. The darker your skin, the higher the risk of unwanted pigment changes.
  • Can avoid tanning before treatment sessions.
  • Do not take medication that increases photosensitivity, such as Retin-A or antibiotics (at the time of treatment).
  • Do not have an autoimmune condition or long-term health issue.

How Does Tattoo Removal Work?

Tattoos lighten naturally over time because the body continually works to remove the foreign particles of ink that have been placed beneath the skin. The reason ink does not naturally fade completely is that the particles are too big for the body to dismantle. Laser tattoo removal does this for you. Each pulse of laser energy comes into contact with ink particles, shattering them into smaller fragments. The smaller pieces of pigment are then easier for the body to pick up. Each laser tattoo removal session targets another layer of large pigment particles until all have been broken apart.

How Many Sessions Will I Need to Remove My Tattoo?

Multiple sessions are needed to remove tattoo ink because the laser must penetrate multiple layers of ink particles in the skin. Tattoos that are bold or dark or are large, may require more treatments than those that are smaller, already faded, or that include less dense pigmentation. On average, we see a significant change in a matter of five to 10 treatment sessions. During your consultation, we'll be happy to discuss the various factors that help us determine your treatment plan as we estimate the right number of treatments for you.

Will My Tattoo be Completely Removed?

Using proven laser technology, we expect the full resolution of tattoo ink over time. The question isn't "if," but "when." There may be ways that you can help your tattoo removal process along. Since the fragmented ink is targed by your immune system, you can eat well and take an immune-boosting multivitamin throughout your treatment program. Circulation also helps move the targeted ink out of the body, so it can be beneficial to exercise regularly. Even a brisk 30-minute walk each day can help. Finally, staying hydrated supports the flow of lymph through the body, which can maximize your laser tattoo removal treatments.

Is There Any Recovery Time After Tattoo Removal?

There isn't any downtime after getting laser tattoo removal, but there are some things you should and shouldn't do. These are outlined in your aftercare instructions. Generally, it is necessary to practice specific "wound care" to ensure proper healing after this laser treatment. You'll also need to protect the area from sun exposure by applying sunscreen or wearing protective clothing. If questions come up after your laser treatment, please don't hesitate to contact our office for assistance.

Is Tattoo Removal Painful?

We do not expect that you'll have any problem tolerating the moderate discomfort of laser tattoo removal. This process is not painless, but neither is getting a tattoo. During each session, you can expect to feel a warming sensation in the skin and a snapping sensation with each pulse of laser light the device delivers. After the session, you may feel like you have a pretty good sunburn.

Schedule a Tattoo Removal Consultation in Chicago

Have questions about the tattoo removal process? Ready to get started? Call us at {tel} to schedule your Chicago tattoo removal consult.

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Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

Office Hours

(312) 882-0700

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Treat Mom to Radiant Skin!

  • Dermaplane
  • Brightening Facial
  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Morpheus8
  • Scarlet RF

Enjoy our Mother’s Day Sale from May 9th to May 13th!

Get 20% OFF on skin treatments including:

  • Micro-needling
  • Chemical peels
  • Basic Facial
  • Laser Genesis

Hurry! Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer.
