We all experience aging in different ways, but almost all of us have one thing in common: the signs our bodies show as we age are often unpleasant, and we wish we could turn back the clock. Certain aging remedies are fairly commonly known, such as facelifts and tummy tucks. But what about other odd problem spots, like the knees? It may come as a surprise that non-surgical knee tightening is an option for this awkward trouble spot! Learn more about this treatment during a consultation with our team at Old Town Medspa in Chicago, IL.
Why Are The Knees Such A Trouble Spot?
No matter how much you keep yourself toned and in shape, certain areas are prone to sagging skin that defies any attempt through exercise and healthy living to keep it at bay. While there are a plethora of non-invasive treatments for facial wrinkles, classically the knees have been a different story. This is because they are essentially one of the body’s major joints. They bend and contract constantly and consistently throughout the day.
That kind of constant motion means the skin around the knees remains resistant to most creams and moisturizers when it comes to preventing sagging and wrinkles. There’s simply too much skin around the joint to be able to get rid of it with home remedies.
Fortunately, surgery isn’t the only option. Non-surgical knee tightening is available through the use of threading, a minimally invasive treatment choice.
What Is Non-Surgical Knee Tightening?
Non-surgical knee tightening is a treatment that can be used on the knees to promote collagen growth and reduce the appearance of sagging skin. Collagen is an essential component that helps provide your skin with structure, but your body naturally produces less over time.
What Materials Are Used?
Non-surgical knee tightening is performed using tiny threads that are inserted under the skin to hold it in place and assist the body’s own mechanisms in tightening the surrounding area. The threads are made of materials such as polydioxanone, which is absorbed into the body within six months.
How Does It Work?
The threads used in non-surgical knee tightening are inserted under the skin under local anesthesia. The thread forms a mesh below the skin’s surface, which serves as a framework to reshape the skin, producing immediately noticeable results. As the threads are absorbed over the next few months, they stimulate the body’s natural production of collagen, which allows the body to reduce the appearance of sagging skin and restore your knees to a smooth, youthful appearance.
Non-surgical knee tightening is a relatively painless outpatient procedure with no set downtime. It is important to have realistic goals and expectations for treatment as well as remember results will vary for each person. A consultation with our team can help ensure this is a good treatment option for you.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
Interested in learning more about the benefits of knee tightening? Contact us today at Old Town Medspa and schedule your consultation! We proudly serve Chicago, IL, with two locations, and we are committed to helping you as much as possible.