Eliminate Dead Skin Cells and Facial Hair via Dermaplaning

Regularly exfoliating your skin should be a part of your normal skin care routine. Not only do you want to exfoliate your skin at home using a gentle scrub, but you should have your skin professionally exfoliated on a regular basis. Dermaplaning is a great option for professional skin exfoliation. In addition to getting rid of dead skin cells, it also removes unwanted facial hair. Here are some things that you should know about dermaplaning at Old Town Med Spa.

What does the dermaplaning treatment involve? The first step is getting you comfortable in a reclined position. This will allow our skin care professionals to access your facial skin in a comfortable way. Your skin will then be gently cleansed. After allowing your face to dry, the individual performing the treatment is going to use a surgical scalpel to gently scrape away dead skin cells and to remove your facial hair. After the treatment, a moisturizer will be applied to your skin.

While you may love the idea of not having facial hair,  you may wonder if shaving it off is really a good idea. You have likely heard people say that shaving off peach fuzz and facial hair will make the hair grow back thicker and darker. This is simply not true. As the hair grows back, it is likely going to feel thicker. This has to do with the way that the hair was cut. However, when it grows out, it is going to feel and look just like it did before you had a dermaplaning treatment. There’s no risk of starting on a path that makes your facial hair thick and noticeable.

After a dermaplaning session, you are going to notice that your skin is much more soft and smooth. Because the dead skin cells have been removed, your skin care products are going to be more effective. This is going to lead to a variety of benefits, including having skin that is more hydrated. And because the hair has been removed, you are going to notice that your makeup applies a lot easier and looks better.

Is dermaplaning is the right option for your skin? The most likely answer to that question is yes. There are very few things that would disqualify a person from being a good candidate for dermaplaning. If you have an inflamed acne breakout at this time, you will need to wait until it clears up before having the treatment performed. This treatment is great for individuals who have all skin types and skin colors. Also, it is great for women who are pregnant or for those who do not qualify or want to use treatments that involve the use of chemicals.

Contact our office here at Old Town Med Spa today to schedule your consultation! We have two different offices, both conveniently located in Chicago, IL.

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Treat Mom to Radiant Skin!

  • Dermaplane
  • Brightening Facial
  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Morpheus8
  • Scarlet RF

Enjoy our Mother’s Day Sale from May 9th to May 13th!

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  • Chemical peels
  • Basic Facial
  • Laser Genesis

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