Benefits of a Non-surgical Butt Lift

Girl With Fit Body Soft Skin Tight Hips And Firm Buttocks In Bikini Are you apprehensive about having a surgical butt lift? Have you done an endless amount of squats but still can’t achieve the curvy figure you desire? A non-surgical butt lift may be your answer.

Learn more about the many benefits of this non-invasive procedure that can still give you results. 

What is a Non-Surgical Butt Lift?

A non-surgical butt lift is a cosmetic procedure that gives you a subtle and natural-looking lift using FDA-approved dermal fillers, Sculptra and RADIESSE. This safe treatment can give you results that last for two years. 

If you want a smooth, perky, and dimple-free backside, inquire about the non-surgical butt lift.

The Benefits of a Non-Surgical Butt Lift

Enjoy these benefits if you choose a non-surgical butt lift to give you volume. 

Very Little Downtime

Give your butt a quick lift without the added stress of recovering from surgery. This treatment is non-invasive with only minimal pain. Squeeze in a treatment and continue with your day as planned. 

No Scarring

The procedure does not quire surgical knives or sutures, only tiny needles that leave no visible scarring. You will only have some bruising and redness around the injection site, which will fade in about a week. 

It’s Safe

Surgical butt lifts can give you great results, but they come with the risk of complications from surgery and anesthesia. You won’t have to worry about incisions or implants. Non-surgical butt lifts are minimally invasive and have no possible complications. 

Anyone Can Qualify

Have you been told that you do not qualify for a surgical butt lift because you don’t have enough fat for a graft? This treatment option is great for those who want similar surgery results but may not qualify. 

It’s Natural

The dermal fillers stimulate your body’s collagen production, giving you a smooth, curvy butt. The results are 100% yours and do not come from fillers and implants. 

Achieve Great Results at Old Town Med Spa

Are you ready to get the body of your dreams with a simple, non-invasive procedure? There are many benefits to having a non-surgical butt lift, including fantastic results!

To learn more, contact us today at Old Town Medspa and schedule your consultation!

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